Head of the Mining Engineering and Mineral Extraction Branch, an honorable member in the discussion of a master's thesis

outside Iraq


The Head of the Mining Engineering and Mineral Extraction Branch, Dr. Amjad Ibrahim Fadel, participated on Friday, 14/1/2022, in the discussion of the master’s student Firas Ibrahim Younes at the University . It took place in Turkey, which was held electronically on the Zoom platform, where he participated as an admin member of the message tagged:-

Evaluation Properties for Some Iraqi Rocks and its suitability as construction materials

 Where the thesis dealt with a practical study to evaluate the properties of some Iraqi rocks and their suitability for use as construction materials.

The discussion committee consisted of:-

Dr. Hasan Akay .......President/ Atlam University.

Dr. Abdul Rahim Uzungologlu....member/ Atlam University.

Dr. Hindustan Ali….member/ Hajitbeh University.

Dr. Kokhan Tonk….member/ Atlam University.

Dr. Amjad Ibrahim Fadl ... Member and Supervisor / University of Technology, production engineering and metallurgy

The student passed the discussion successfully, with the members of the discussion committee praising the quality of the thesis and expressing

their thanks to the University of Technology and the Department of Production Engineering and Minerals for the effective contribution In fulfilling the message.









Source : Media Section

