Celebration of the launch of national standards for the adoption of engineering education programs in Iraq




Celebration of the launch of national standards for the adoption of engineering education programs in Iraq

Dr. Amjad Barzan Abdul Ghafoor, a member of the Council for the improvement of the quality of engineering education in iraq participated, in the celebration of the launch of national standards for the adoption of engineering education programs in Iraq, which was set up by the apparatus of supervision and scientific evaluation\ council for improving the quality of engineering education and directly sponsored by prof.Dr. “Abdul Razzaq Al-Issa” Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
The ceremony was attended by most formations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in addition to the heads of universities and deans of the engineering faculties of government and private education. These standards are considered by the council to improve the quality of engineering education as an important step to ensure the quality of engineering education programs in government and private universities. Contribute to the graduation of qualified engineers with high values to perform their mission in building Iraq.
One of the main objectives of the Council for Improving the Quality of Education is to make radical changes in the administrative and academic systems and programs and to develop clear and long-term plans and methodologies purpose at achieve quality assurance and academic accreditation. These standards provide graduates with sufficient knowledge of the basics of specialization, and an acceptable level of professionalism, to meet the needs of the profession locally and be sufficient to meet the engineering requirements of the engineering profession at the global level



Source : Media Section
