Mining and Extraction Engineering Branch Seminar is a project for fourth stage students




Mining and Extraction Engineering Branch Seminar is a project for fourth stage students

The Mining and Extraction Engineering Department held the Seminar Session to discuss the projects of the fourth stage students on Wednesday 21/2/2018 in Hall No. 11 in the annex building. The session was attended by the Head of Mining and Mineral Extraction Branch, Prof.Dr. Sami Ibrahim Jaafar of the students of the fourth stage as well as the third phase to benefit from the experience of the Seminar projects. The students reviewed their projects in the form of groups that attacked each group of two or more students and after each review the students were discussed and asked by the attending professors. The students of the fourth stage expressed their pleasure in this session because they have experience in writing the axes and chapters of the projects. The President of the Branch concluded the session with general directives and important recommendations for students and for both stages..








Source : Media Section
