E-Learning PM (0)
Virtual e-learning management system for the Department of Production and Metal Engineering
: The Department of Production Engineering and metals the following activities
To obtain the registration form on the official email of students of the first stage of the department of production engineering and metals click on the link below
To obtain the registration form on the official email of students of the second, third and fourth stage of the Department of Production Engineering and Minerals click
.The link below
To obtain the official registration form for graduate students click on the link below
Google Classroom e-Learning Student Guide
. Establishment of electronic grades for students of the first stage and postgraduate studies . under construction
.Addressing the Information Technology Center to establish official accounts for registered students
Is one of the means that support the educational process and transform it from the stage of indoctrination to the stage of creativity, interaction and skills development. It is presented to students through the use of Information communication techniques and relies on an integrated digital electronic environment that presents courses through electronic networks. It is worth mentioning that the University of Technology in agreement with Google has worked to provide an integrated educational system that prepares students and teachers with a range of services such as official e-mail, the establishment of electronic classrooms, academic calendar, ease of communication with teachers and other services.
You can access this page by clicking on the link
More electronic programs used in the e-learning system
UOTE-Mail Storage-Drive Calender Groups
Google-Doc Google-Sheet Google-Slides Google-Meet
WHY G SUITE ? G Suite for UoT: